Hello! Welcome to the new blog.

Here you'll find not only my little projects and their associated stories, but also everything from photography and editing guides to equipment reviews. I've got some guest contributors and interviews lined up too, so stay tuned for those. The easiest way to do this is to 'like' the Facebook page, which will link new blog posts the moment they're released. Whether you want to satisfy your inner travel bug, learn how to compose so even your iPhone snaps look heavenly, or stretch your DSLR kit with some astrophotography, you've found the right place... 

A little bit about me: I’m a self confessed lover of all things photography, and have a chronic case of wanderlust. I reside in the gorgeous city of Newcastle (Australia), which never stops revealing the best sides of both urban and natural life that I’m ever endeavouring to catch on camera.

Here are a couple of moments I managed to capture of my closest beach:


I’ve found that I can walk the same route a hundred times and see it completely anew when looking through a camera lens. Walking the world with a critical eye, searching for the quaint and unusual and beautiful is a fantastic way to enjoy the journeys, little or big - and I would recommend it to anyone. It doesn't matter if you have the latest DSLR or smartphone... the technology is more accessible than ever, so it’s incredibly easy to just have a go!

I love your feedback too! If you have any topics you’d like covered specifically, or have any general suggestions or questions, send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.

I think that’s enough for now...  thanks for finding your way here, and I hope you enjoy the content to come.


Here are some other images from my surrounding area that you might enjoy