Firstly, what exactly is a Makerspace?

Generally speaking, a Makerspace is a collaborative creative environment for work and/or learning. They crowd source tools and experience into one location where people can make and create together, often selling the products in a co-op store. There are Makerspaces all over the world, so if you're a creative soul and enjoy working with others, I'd definitely recommend looking into whether there's one near you!

Wonder Workshop

"Wonder Workshop employs 30 women and men living with a disability. We use waste materials to create recycled art, sun-dried paper, wooden toys, soaps and glassware. In recent years we have welcomed several high-level visitors, including Prince Charles, George W Bush and Prince Fumihito. You can see some of our welded art in downtown Dar es Salaam, where we helped beautify 3 busy roundabouts."

Mama Masai

"Mama Masai is the name given to two hundred women, divided into fifteen groups throughout Simanjiro, northern Tanzania who make beaded craft-ware. The initiative has grown steadily since 2000, and now enables the women to earn their own money for the first time in the history of their community. Each woman is paid a fair price for everything she makes.

The beads have given us a voice. With this money we have been able to improve our houses. Buy goats, books, cloths and medicines for our children. In this way we will further our development and increase our standard of living."

In my experience, one of the worst parts about travelling to countries like Tanzania is seeing souvenirs of their incredibly rich culture that were mass produced in China, and knowing that very little of the amount that you pay for it will actually make it to feeding a hungry mouth. The cost of gifts from places like Wonder Workshop and Mama Masai are not that much more than the mass-market stuff sold everywhere, and you know that not only are you receiving a unique item, but the proceeds are being injected directly back into the community. 

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